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AI Horizons: Today's Innovations, Tomorrow's Impact

Exploring the Latest in AI: Image Generation, Voice Security, Chip Revolution, and More

TL;DR 🚀:

  1. Midjourney Alpha's Web Debut: Midjourney Alpha transcends Discord, offering a sleek, accessible web platform for AI image generation – a game changer for artists and enthusiasts alike.

  2. Your Voice, Secured by AntiFake: Ning Zhang's AntiFake steps up against AI deepfakes, offering a 95% effective digital shield for your vocal identity in the cyber world.

  3. RISC-V: Democratizing Chip Design: The RISC-V open-source chip design is reshaping the tech landscape, empowering smaller players and challenging industry giants like Arm.

  4. Frontline AI News: iPhone's AI object detection, Arcane's marketing automation, AI-assisted holiday gifting, Dropbox's AI feature controversy, AI in wealth creation, and Meta's AI fashion advice.

  5. SwitchHead: Transformers Reimagined: Discover how SwitchHead revolutionizes Transformers with efficient, MoE-based attention, reducing computational demands while maintaining performance.

  6. AI Tools Spotlight: Delphi, Gobble Bot, Auto Note, Toasty, Final Round, and Aesop – innovative tools transforming personal efficiency, content creation, and brand naming.

  7. Power of Persuasion: Learn to craft compelling bios for diverse professionals with our unique bio writing prompts.

  8. The AI Rumor Mill: Mckay Wrigley's tweet on the rumored GPT-4.5 feature and pricing – speculation fuels anticipation in the AI community.

Remember, in the rapidly evolving world of AI, staying informed is key to staying ahead. Dive into these stories to fuel your curiosity and shape your future strategies! 🌟🤖

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Midjourney Alpha Steps Up: Elevating AI Image Generation with a New Web Platform

The latest buzz in the AI world? It's about Midjourney Alpha. Let me give you the lowdown on what's happening.

So, Midjourney - an AI image-generating service that's been all the rage with over 17.5 million users on Discord - has decided to step out of its comfort zone. They're testing a new website, where users can create images right on the web. No more Discord detours! Which is a huge plus that will make the application more accessible to more people.

Now, let me tell you about my little adventure with Midjourney. I've generated a modest 1508 images (I know, amateur numbers!), and even with my less-than-stellar count, I got a sneak peek at the Alpha website. Let me paint a picture for you: it's sleek, minimalistic, and so user-friendly. There's this cool "Imagine" bar where you type your prompt, and voilà, AI magic happens!

Overall, it's an impressive start for Midjourney Alpha. It's making AI image generation more accessible and definitely giving its competitors a run for their money. However, keep in mind, you still need your Discord creds to sign in. And oh, amidst all this excitement, let's not forget the elephant in the room – the legal battles over AI companies using public imagery for training their models. It's a wild west out there in the AI frontier, folks!

So, whether you're a seasoned pro or just dipping your toes into the AI art world, Midjourney Alpha is something to keep your eyes on.

AntiFake: The New Digital Guardian Shielding Your Voice from AI Deepfakes

In the ever-evolving world of AI and cybersecurity, the latest headline grabber is the emergence of AI deepfakes capable of mimicking our voices. Just think, your voice could be out there negotiating shady deals or making awkward confessions without your consent. But fear not, there's a new player in town aiming to safeguard our vocal identities – Ning Zhang and his creation, AntiFake.

Zhang, from Washington University in St. Louis, developed AntiFake to combat this growing threat. Unlike traditional methods that react after the damage is done, AntiFake is proactive, subtly altering voice recordings to thwart AI deepfakes. It's like having an invisible shield around your voice, ensuring that any attempts to replicate it fall flat. This approach is clever and effective; in tests, AntiFake blocked voice cloning with a 95% success rate.

However, the digital arms race is far from over. Cybercriminals are like shape-shifters, constantly adapting their tactics. AntiFake is designed to evolve alongside these threats, but it's a complex game of anticipation and innovation. This software, while promising, isn't a silver bullet. It requires programming skills to use effectively, limiting its accessibility to the average user for now.

In a nutshell, while AntiFake marks a significant stride in protecting our digital voices, the broader picture remains complex. As technology advances, so do the methods of exploitation. AntiFake is a crucial step in safeguarding our digital identities, but it's part of an ongoing battle in the realm of cybersecurity. As we navigate this landscape, it's clear that staying vigilant and informed is our best defense.

RISC-V: Open-Source Chip Design Sparks Innovation Wave in Tech World

Hey tech enthusiasts, let's talk chips, but not the kind you munch on while binge-watching Netflix. We're diving into the world of semiconductor chips – specifically, the RISC-V standard that's shaking up Silicon Valley. Imagine a world where designing high-performance chips for AI and mobile devices isn't just for the big dogs. That's what RISC-V is all about.

Picture this: It's 2010, and a bunch of smart people come up with RISC-V, an open-source chip design. Think of it as the recipe for a variety of tech treats – from smartwatches to laptops to those mega servers in data centers. The coolest part? It’s free. Yep, you heard that right. Unlike the proprietary designs from Arm, the market leader, RISC-V lets you build processors without breaking the bank.

Now, fast forward to today. Big names in tech and niche players are all hopping on the RISC-V bandwagon. Why? Because it's the first fresh face in the chip market in ages, according to Richard Wawrzyniak, a market analyst. The building blocks for RISC-V, like developer communities and tools, are getting thumbs up from chip designers.

And guess what? Even the tech giants are in on it. Meta's using RISC-V for some of its AI computing. They've decided to design their own chips instead of relying solely on traditional graphics processing units. Google's not far behind, supporting RISC-V in Android and even launching wearables based on it.

But here's where it gets spicy: RISC-V might just be a thorn in the side for Arm, the British chip designer dominating the market for smartphone, tablet, and laptop processors. With RISC-V-based shipments projected to skyrocket, we might see a major shift in the chip industry.

Now, hold your horses, it's not all smooth sailing. The middleware software supporting RISC-V still needs some cooking before it's ready for prime time in high-performance applications like data centers. But the folks at RISC-V International are on it, planning to dish out certifications and more resources next year.

So, what's the takeaway? RISC-V is like the new kid on the block challenging the old guard. It's open-source, cost-effective, and customizable – a dream come true for tech companies looking to innovate without the hefty price tag. While it's still got some growing to do, RISC-V could very well be the next big thing in the chip industry. Keep your eyes peeled, folks – the chip revolution is just getting started.

Authors: Róbert Csordás, Piotr Pie˛kos, Kazuki Irie, Jürgen Schmidhuber

Executive Summary: 

The paper presents "SwitchHead," a novel method designed to enhance the efficiency of Transformers, a type of large language model (LLM). Traditional Transformers demand high computational power and memory, particularly due to their self-attention layers, which are crucial for their performance. SwitchHead addresses this by employing a Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) approach for the value and output projections in these layers. This methodology significantly reduces both the compute and memory requirements while maintaining performance comparable to traditional Transformers. Notably, SwitchHead uses 4 to 8 times fewer attention matrices than standard models. The researchers also introduce a fully-MoE Transformer model called "SwitchAll," which extends the MoE approach to all Transformer layers.


1. Efficiency Improvement: SwitchHead greatly reduces the computational and memory requirements of Transformers.

2. Performance Maintenance: Despite the reduced resources, SwitchHead matches the performance of standard Transformers.

3. Reduced Attention Matrices: The method requires significantly fewer attention matrices, enhancing processing efficiency.

4. Versatility: It's applicable to various language modeling datasets and scales effectively with different model sizes.


1. Complexity of Implementation: The integration of MoE in both value and output projections might introduce complexity in implementation.

2. Dependence on Parameter Matching: The experiments heavily rely on parameter-matched settings, which might limit the method's adaptability in different contexts.

Use Cases: 

- Training and running large language models, especially in environments with limited computational resources.

- Language modeling tasks across diverse datasets (e.g., C4, Enwik8, peS2o) and model sizes (47M and 262M parameters).

Why You Should Care: 

SwitchHead is a significant advancement in the field of neural network-based language modeling. It offers a solution to the resource-intensive nature of traditional Transformers without compromising on performance. This innovation makes it feasible for a broader range of institutions and researchers, who might not have access to extensive computing resources, to develop and utilize advanced language models. The potential for widespread adoption and impact in various AI and natural language processing applications is substantial.

Delphi - Clone yourself. Build the AI version of you to scale your expertise and availability, infinitely.

Gobble Bot - All your content digested into one text fileYou have a website, PDF or a Youtube video and want to make a GPT chatbot on ChatGPT. Simply use Gobble Bot to turn it all into one text file, ready to use for training.

Auto Note - Turn Chaotic Ideas into Practical Notes. Quickly transform your thoughts and audio into professional text, with a versatile approach to expressing and recording ideas.

Toasty - Professional AI copywriter, trained on your podcast. Get show notes, transcripts, timestamps, blog posts, and more in minutes with our AI-copywriter. Upload your episode & receive 20+ pieces of content

Final Round - Interview Copilot. Harness the power of AI to ACE interviews from Day 1 to Final Round

Aesop - Discover the most productive name for your brand or business offering using your words and Aesop’s commercially proven approach.

Write Shockingly Good Bios:

Prompt 1:

Today you’re a master persuader. Your goal is to write bios for business owners, freelancers, coaches etc. Now I’m gonna provide you with the info you must include in the bio. Tell me when you're ready by writing “Got it." Are you ready?

Prompt 2:

[Name]= Here you need to insert your name.

[How Do You Help Your Target Audience]= Here you need to insert how you help your target audience achieve their desired outcome.

[Experience/Achievements]= Here you need to insert any relevant experience or achievements you have about your career.

[Where Do You Come From]= Here you need to write a short story about who you are (like where you live. why you started doing what you do. etc.)

[What Challenges You Had To Overcome Along Your Career]= Here you need to insert any challenges you had to overcome in order to build your career.

[Who Do You Consider Your Hero/Mentor]= Here you need to insert any person you consider to be your hero or mentor regarding your career.

[What Are Your Values]= Here you need to insert any values you believe in.

[What Are Your Hobbies]= Here you need to insert any hobbies you have.

[What Are The Ways You Give Back To The Community]= Here you need to insert any ways you give back to your community.

[What Are Your Testimonials/Reviews]= Here you need to insert any relevant testimonials/reviews you’d like to include.

[What Is Your Slogan]= Here you need to insert your personal slogan.

[Contacts]= Here you need to insert how potential clients can reach out to you.


Now take all of that information and use them to write 3 distinct bios. The first one should be short and concise (around 30 words) and formatted for social media. The second one should be around 150 words for websites. And the third one should be around 350 words.


-Mention who you are.

-Mention what your expertise is.

-Mention how your expertise addresses the target audience's problem or goal.

-Mention what sets you apart from others in your field.

-Mention specific numbers.

-Mention where they can contact you.


-Write using a professional tone.

-Write using a humorous tone.

-Write using a straightforward tone.

-Write using an exciting tone.

Prompt (VSL Background Story)

You’re a world-class direct response copywriter who specializes in writing ultra-compelling, emotional, and relatable background stories for Video Sales Letter (VSL).

The goal of the background story is to create an emotional connection with your target audience by showing them that you were in their shoes so that they trust you.

Here’s are 2 examples of a highly successful VSL background stories that leverage this technique:







Now, I want you to adapt these first-person VSL background story for this specific market. Stick to the structure and underlying psychological principles. But make sure you adapt any details so that the background story makes sense. (Nobody should be able to tell it was copied from the previous background story).

[Name]= Here you need to insert the spokesperson’s name.

[Problem]= Here you need to insert any pain points you used to have in common with your target audience.

[Trigger Moment]= Here you need to insert the specific and dramatic episode that changed your life forever.

[Target Audience]= Here you need to insert who your target audience is.

[Common Solutions]= Here you need to insert the 3 most common solutions your target audience uses to solve their problem

[Credible Proof] = Here you need to insert any kind of proof or credentials that can help the reader trust you more.


1) mention who you are and what are your experience and achievements.

2) mention in your own words how you were struggling with your life.

3) mention in your own words the situation that made you realize something had to change.

4) use a skeptical tone to acknowledge 3 the specific and detailed examples of common solutions most people consider in order to achieve their desired outcome (and why they aren't the best choice).

5) agitate the situation to the point the protagonist almost gives up.

6) tell the fact you stumbled upon something that changed your life forever (but don't tease the fact you'll tell it later).


-Be vague about the product.

-Use dramatic and emotional words that make the reader feel like he's watching a movie in his mind.

-Use physical cues to show emotions instead than adjectives.

-Show vulnerability and uncertainty.

-Write using active, visual, action-oriented words. Limit passive constructions.

-Remember that you're talking to one person only, so avoid any "public greetings", instead use a simple and casual greeting.

-Write in an appropriate tone for our target market (Write how a typical member of our target market would ACTUALLY talk in casual conversation while out at lunch with a close friend).

- IMPORTANT: Write using simple, conversational language. At a 3rd-grade reading level. Short, easy-to-read sentences. Short paragraphs. Limit words with more than 3 syllables.