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  • AI Regulation In The EU and Dynamic Pricing Under Scrutiny

AI Regulation In The EU and Dynamic Pricing Under Scrutiny

From Courtrooms to Drive-Thrus: The Pervasive Power of AI


🔥 Aideations Newsletter:

  1. Rent Wars in AI-Land: Tenants take landlords to court over AI-driven price-fixing - a real-world monopoly game with your rent at stake.

  2. EU's AI Act: A landmark regulation shaping the future of AI globally - a mix of green, amber, and red rules.

  3. The Truth About AI Drive-Thrus: Presto's AI isn't all robot - 70% of orders still need human help.

  4. 2024 Tech Trends: Generative AI, sustainable tech, cybersecurity, and more - the future forecast for tech and business.

Just finished up today's Aideations Newsletter, packed with the latest AI breakthroughs and insights. But here's the thing: I need your help.

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AI on Trial: Renters Challenge High-Tech Price-Fixing in Groundbreaking Antitrust Case

Alright, folks, buckle up! Today, we're diving into the hot, steamy world of... rent prices? Yep, you heard that right. This isn't your regular snooze-fest of a legal battle, but a spicy tale about landlords, AI, and some serious accusations of price-fixing. Think of it as a high-tech game of Monopoly, but the stakes are real, and your rent's on the line.

So, here's the scoop: a bunch of renters have put their foot down and are taking a bunch of landlords to court. Why? They're alleging these landlords have been playing dirty, using a tool by RealPage Inc. – think of it as a brainy software that tells landlords what to charge for their apartments. And not just any price, but one that's carefully calculated using a boatload of data. Sounds smart, right? But here's where it gets murky.

These renters are not just mad about their rent going up. They're saying this whole setup is a sneaky way of landlords sticking together to keep prices high – like, suspiciously high. It's like if all the coffee shops in town secretly agreed to charge you $10 for a latte. Not cool, right?

Now, this isn't just a small-town drama. It's a big deal because it challenges our old-school antitrust laws. We're talking about AI and algorithms doing the heavy lifting in setting prices, which is way faster and sneakier than any human cartel could ever dream of being.

But let's not forget the landlords and RealPage. They're playing defense, saying there's no shady business going on. It's just them using a tool to make smart business decisions. Fair enough, but it does make you wonder – when does using smart tech cross the line into collusion territory?

This case isn't just about rent; it's a canary in the coal mine for how we handle AI and big data in business. Imagine if this kind of thing spread to other industries – your groceries, your flights, your morning coffee. We could be looking at a future where prices are less about competition and more about algorithms making backroom deals.

And let's be honest, it's a bit freaky thinking about computers learning to chat among themselves and set prices without any human meddling. It's like something out of a sci-fi movie, but it's happening in real courtrooms, right now.

So, what's the verdict going to be? Are these landlords and their AI pal in cahoots, or is this just the future of business? Either way, it's a case that could rewrite the rules on data, competition, and how we keep things fair in the age of AI. Stay tuned, because this one's going to ripple through more than just your rent bill.

EU's AI Act: The World's First Major Regulation and Its Global Ripple Effect

So, last week, after what must've felt like a marathon of Red Bull-fueled discussions, the EU bigwigs finally agreed on the terms of the AI Act.

Now, this AI Act isn't just another document to be lost in bureaucratic limbo. Proposed back in 2021, it's been trying to keep pace with AI's breakneck evolution.

But here's the twist: not everyone in the EU was singing from the same hymn sheet. France, Germany, and Italy, for example, weren't too keen on strict rules, fearing it might cramp their style (and business). They were more about codes of conduct. Then there was the whole biometric surveillance debate – to ban or not to ban, that was the question.

The solution? A risk-based approach. Think of it like AI's traffic light system:

- Green for minimal risk (like your friendly spam filters).

- Amber for high-risk (we're talking critical infrastructures, medical devices, and even law enforcement systems). These guys have to jump through hoops like risk-mitigation systems, quality data, and human oversight.

- Red for the no-go zone, where AI could trample on fundamental rights. But, and there's always a 'but', there's a tiny loophole for law enforcement.

And because it's the EU, there are fines that'll make your wallet weep – up to €35 million or 7% of your global annual turnover for the worst offenses.

Here's the kicker: for the AI big shots, there are extra rules, a bit like those house rules everyone has for Monopoly. These will be hashed out by the industry, scientists, and other brains, along with the EU Commission.

They're even setting up a new European AI Office. It's like putting a referee in this AI game. And according to the EU's industry chief, Thierry Breton, this isn't just a rulebook; it's a launchpad for EU startups and researchers to lead the global AI race. Ambitious, right?

But let's not pop the champagne yet. There's still some arm-twisting and negotiating to be done, and all this before next year's European parliamentary elections. And even when it's all signed and sealed, we're looking at an 18-month wait before it kicks in. By then, who knows where AI will be?

My two cents? How the EU rolls usually sends ripples across the globe. I'm not saying everyone will copy-paste these rules, but it's a heads-up. We could see similar moves elsewhere. The catch? AI moves fast, and 18 months in AI time is like a century in human years. So, stay tuned, folks.

AI Drive-Thrus: The Hidden Human Cost Behind Your Future Fast-Food Order

Alright, let's dive into the world of Presto Automations and their AI drive-thru tech. Imagine you're about to order your favorite fast-food meal, and you're greeted not by a person, but by an AI chatbot. It's the future knocking at our drive-thru windows, but here's the twist: this high-tech future isn't as robot-dominated as it seems.

Presto came out swinging with claims that 95% of their chatbot orders needed zero human help. Pretty slick, right? But, a recent SEC filing dropped a truth bomb: over 70% of these orders still rely on human intervention. Yep, real people, working remotely, are the secret sauce behind these AI interactions.

Now, why is this important? Presto, which has been scooped up by chains like Del Taco and Hardee's, even partnered with OpenAI in 2023 to amp up their chatbot game. Despite this, they're heavily dependent on human agents, or "humans-in-the-loop" as they put it.

But here's my perspective: using off-site human agents, especially from places like the Philippines, is a cost-effective strategy. It's cheaper than having on-site staff in the US. And here's the real kicker – these humans are unwittingly training their AI replacements. As they correct and guide these chatbots, they're feeding valuable data into the system, essentially setting the stage for their own redundancy. Once the AI is smart enough, thanks to this human training, those jobs are going to disappear. No fuss, just a quiet transition from human to machine.

Other big players like McDonald's and Wendy's are on this AI train too, all aiming to reduce human labor in the long run. Wendy's even boasts their chatbot might outdo their best human customer service rep. Bold, but not without its implications.

For Presto and others, it's a tightrope walk between enhancing AI capabilities and managing the human workforce. It's a fascinating, albeit slightly unsettling, glimpse into how technology is reshaping the job landscape. And for us, the customers? Well, we might just have to get used to saying "thanks" to a machine after grabbing our next meal.

2024 Insights: Navigating the Future with Top Ten Tech and Business Trends

I'm not a fortune-teller, but I've got some insights to share on what I and others are reporting to be the most important trends to pay attention to in 2024.

Generative AI: The Big Kahuna of 2024

First up, generative AI is like the cool kid on the tech block. Gartner's predicting AI will be churning out 10% of all data by 2025. OpenAI dropped ChatGPT in late 2022 and it went Boom! The tech world went bananas. Nvidia's stock soared, and companies like Microsoft, Google, and Meta are all over this like bees on honey. Goldman Sachs even says generative AI might pump up global GDP by 7% in a decade. That's like adding a whole new Japan to the world economy!

Sustainable Tech: Saving the World and Making Bank

Next, let's talk green. Sustainable tech isn't just about hugging trees; it's about making serious greenbacks. Gartner's calling it a top trend, and Harvard Business Review says saving the planet could be a $12 trillion opportunity. Big names like Google and Apple are in, and companies like Unilever are tripling their market cap by being eco-friendly. It's not just about feeling good; it's about good business.

Cybersecurity: The Digital Shield

Now, let's get serious with cybersecurity. Half of all businesses have been hacked in the last three years, and cybercrime costs could hit a staggering $10.5 trillion by 2025. It's a digital arms race out there, with AI-powered attacks and defenses. Companies are navigating a maze of new regulations, and innovations like automated threat management and cyber governance are hotter than ever.

Quantum Computing: Sci-Fi Becomes Reality

Quantum computing is where science fiction meets reality. In 2024, it's set to tackle everything from AI to drug discovery. IBM's already flaunting its 433 qubit processor, and they're planning something even bigger. This tech's growth is mindblowing and will have major implications for digital security and privacy. Eventually rendering all current encryption methods useless.

Industrial Automation: The Efficiency Revolution

Industrial automation is like the ultimate multitool for businesses. It's all about AI, IoT, and 5G/6G converging to make everything smarter, faster, and more efficient. From predictive maintenance to automated inventory control, it's transforming industries from the ground up. Companies like ABB and Siemens are leading the charge, making the future look like a well-oiled machine.

Web 3.0 and the Metaverse: The Digital Frontier

Web 3.0 and the Metaverse are the new digital frontier. It's not just for gaming nerds; it's for everyone. Imagine a world where your online experience is tailored just for you. VR and AR are getting a massive boost, and generative AI is going to make content creation a breeze. We're talking about a future where the lines between digital and physical blur, and anything's possible.

Autonomous Vehicles: The Driverless Dream

Autonomous vehicles are set to revolutionize transportation. Imagine a world with fewer traffic jams and safer roads. Companies like Tesla and Google's Waymo are pushing the boundaries, and we're inching closer to a future where "driving" is a thing of the past. My Navigator is already hands-free on the interstate and I love it!

5G & 6G Networks: The Connectivity Game-Changer

5G and 6G are about to change the game in connectivity. Faster speeds, lower latency, and more reliable networks mean we can do more, faster, and better. Virtual and augmented reality are going to be smoother than ever, making our digital lives even more immersive.

Biotechnology: The Future of Health and Beyond

Biotechnology is the unsung hero of the tech world. It's changing everything from healthcare to agriculture. Personalized medicine, gene editing, and synthetic biology are just the tip of the iceberg. Companies like Strand Therapeutics and 23andMe are leading the way, making the future healthier and more sustainable.

Human-Machine Interface: The Tech Tango

Finally, human-machine interface (HMI) is redefining how we dance with technology. Advances in AI, machine learning, and robotics are making tech interactions more natural and intuitive. We're talking gesture recognition, natural language processing, and even brain-computer interfaces. The latter, I personally won’t be signing up for anytime soon.

Wrapping Up: The Business Crystal Ball

These trends aren't just cool tech stuff; they're the crystal ball for startups, corporations, and investors. Understanding these could be the difference between being the next big thing or yesterday's news. So, keep your eyes peeled and your minds open. The future's coming fast, and it's looking pretty awesome! 🚀🌍💻🌿🛡️🧬🚗📡🤖🧠📈

Pika Labs Tutorial: The Secret to Cinematic AI Videos

Authors: Jiaman Li, Alexander Clegg, Roozbeh Mottaghi, Jiajun Wu, Xavier Puig, C. Karen Liu

Executive Summary:

This research paper introduces a novel approach, Controllable Human-Object Interaction Synthesis (CHOIS), to simulate realistic human behaviors in 3D environments. The primary objective is to generate synchronized motion of both objects and humans guided by language descriptions. The method employs a conditional diffusion model conditioned on language input, initial states of humans and objects, and sparse object waypoints. The innovation lies in overcoming the limitations of traditional diffusion models, which struggle to align object motion with waypoints and ensure interaction realism. This is achieved by introducing an object geometry loss to improve motion prediction accuracy and designing guidance terms to enforce realistic contact constraints during the model's sampling process. The approach successfully synthesizes interactions that are not only realistic and synchronized but also context-aware and resonant with language descriptions.


  • CHOIS provides precise and expressive interaction synthesis using a combination of language and object waypoints.

  • It demonstrates the capability to generalize to novel objects and scenarios, showing effectiveness on datasets like FullBodyManipulation and 3D-FUTURE.

  • Incorporates innovative techniques like object geometry loss and guidance terms during sampling, enhancing the realism and accuracy of the synthesized interactions.

  • The method is versatile, allowing for long-horizon, environment-aware interactions in diverse 3D scenes.


  • The study excludes the generation of motion for articulated objects like vacuums and mops, limiting its scope in certain real-world applications.

  • There might be challenges in accurately predicting interactions in extremely cluttered environments or with highly irregular object shapes.

Use Cases:

  • CHOIS has significant potential in various fields:

  • In computer graphics and animation, for creating realistic human-object interactions.

  • In robotics and embodied AI, to simulate and study human behavior in digital environments.

  • In virtual reality and gaming, for enhancing user experience with more lifelike interactions.

  • In training and simulation applications, where accurate human-object interactions are crucial.

Why You Should Care:

This research pushes the boundaries of human-object interaction synthesis, offering a tool that combines the subtleties of human behavior with the complexity of interacting with objects in 3D spaces. It stands to significantly impact areas ranging from AI and robotics to virtual reality, providing a more nuanced and realistic way of simulating human actions and interactions. For anyone involved in these fields, understanding and potentially leveraging this technology could be invaluable in creating more realistic and effective systems, environments, or narratives.

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Create Irresistible Offers:

Today, I need your assistance as a master business consultant. Our goal is to analyze, evaluate and improve my offer so that it becomes irresistible for our target audience.

To achieve this, please follow these steps:

First, read the information about our offer and our target market. You’ll find this information in the section named “INFORMATION ABOUT TARGET MARKET AND OFFER”.

Second, analyze the offer to make sure it possesses the essential components of irresistible offers. You’ll find this information in the section named “ESSENTIALS COMPONENTS OF IRRESISTIBLE OFFERS”.

Third, evaluate the offer according to the Irresistible Offer Equation. You’ll find this information in the section named "IRRESISTIBLE OFFER EQUATION".


[Target market]=  Here you need to insert who your target market is

[Pressing problem]= Here you need to insert your target market’s pain point

[Desired outcome]= Here you need to insert your target market's desired outcome

[Product]= Here you need to insert a detailed description of your product

[Product's Promise]= Here you need to insert what are the benefits of your product for the target market

[Product's Proof Elements]= Here you need to insert any proof elements you have to support your product’s promise.

[Product's Price And Payment Option]= Here you need to insert the price of your product and how it’s paid (for example, does your customer have to pay upfront or do you offer a payment plan?).

[Product's Guarantee]= Here you need to insert your target market’s pain point


Massive Pain: Look for markets where customers face significant frustrations or challenges. These pain points create a strong demand for solutions and allow you to position your offerings as the answer to their problems. For example, a market with a high divorce rate presents an opportunity for relationship counselors or marriage therapists to address the pain of broken marriages and help couples find solutions.

Purchasing Power: It is crucial to target markets where your audience has the financial means to afford your products or services. For instance, while you may have a brilliant idea for a luxury travel service, if your target market consists of college students who are financially constrained, they may not have the purchasing power to engage with your business. Instead, focusing on affluent professionals or retirees with disposable income would be more suitable.

Easy to Target: Identifying markets where your audience is easily identifiable and reachable is essential for effective marketing and sales efforts. Consider markets with well-defined groups or communities that you can easily target. For instance, if you are offering specialized software for real estate agents, targeting real estate associations, online forums, or industry conferences would provide a concentrated group of potential customers who are actively seeking solutions in that field.

Growing Market: Opting for markets that show strong growth potential can provide tailwinds for your business and increase your chances of success. Look for industries experiencing rapid growth or evolving trends. For example, the health and wellness industry has been experiencing steady growth as people become more conscious of their well-being. This presents opportunities for businesses offering fitness programs, organic food products, or wellness coaching services.


(How Big Is Your Promise*Perceived Likehood Of Achieving That Outcome)/(Time Delay*Effort Required)

How Big Is Your Promise: Is the dream outcome promised by the product highly appealing to the target audience?

The Perceived Likelihood Of Achieving That Outcome: How confident is your target audience about achieving the dream outcome promised by the product?

Time Delay: Time delay is the time between a customer buying and receiving the promised benefit. The sooner the customer receives value or the promised outcome after purchasing, the higher the score for this component. Score this on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being a long delay and 1 indicating almost instant gratification.

Effort Required: This represents what it “costs” people in ancillary costs, aka “other costs accrued along the way.” These can be both tangible and intangible such as the cost of the product or the effort in terms of time and commitment to use the product. Score this on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being a high level of effort or additional cost required, and 1 being minimal effort or cost.


-Rate each essential component of my offer on a realistic scale from 1 to 10.

-Rate the 'Time Delay' and 'Effort Required' using a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 represents a very low delay or effort (excellent), and 10 represents a very high delay or effort (poor). The closer to instant gratification and lesser effort, the lower the score should be. Therefore, these two components should be rated inversely.

-At the end of the analysis give me 10 detailed actionable steps and concrete examples of what I can do to improve my offer. Focus on unique, novel and creative solutions that require a minimum of resources to fulfill (i.e. realistic).

-Each one of your suggestions should include a brief explanation of which one of the 4 components of the Irresistible Offer Equation it's improving and how many points it's adding or subtracting to the original score.

-Each one of your suggestions should include the estimated amount of time and budget needed for me to implement your suggestion into my offer.

-At the end show me the average rating value of both the component of my offer and the irresistible offer equation before your suggestions and after implementing your suggestions and the total budget required.

-Remember, your goal should be to maximize the perceived value and likelihood of achieving the promised outcome while minimizing the effort required and time delay. This will make your offer more irresistible to your target market.